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リゾートホテルで丁寧に梱包/Courteous hospitality to HOM fetish at a resort hotel.



※1月18日〜 22日 札幌

※1月23日〜25日 東京


I spent a lot of time curling him around in the quiet hotel room where the outside light shone in. This is our second session, so it's perfect for us.

I drank tea elegantly while controlling his breathing with leather gloves. He enjoyed moving in quality, making sure that he could not escape, and ejaculated several times before I knew it. I'm so happy.

* January18-22 Sapporo

* January23-25 Tokyo

I am looking for sponsors who can support my tour. If you can afford travel and session fee and want to meet me in your city, please contact me.

*Please note that I have obtained permission from my clients to upload their pictures and videos. I never take pictures without your consent. If you’d like to appear in my blog, let me know before the session begins. I’ll post about you without jeopardizing your privacy.



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スクリーンショット 2021-12-15 19.22.52.png



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