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来ました、デニムフェチ/Here comes the denim fetishist!

7月18日〜20日 東京

ご予約は直接 までお願いします。

July 18th-20th Tokyo

For booking appointments and all other inquiries, contact me at







This man is one of the elusive denim fetishists that I’ve wanted to meet for a long while, and by a quirk of fate I finally got to do a session with him in Sapporo!!!

He showed up in a full denim #ootd, and of course I went to see him in my denim outfit so we snapped a selfie together.

Once we were ready to start, I asked him to take his clothes off. He took off his jacket, then a shirt, then another shirt…. The man was covered in literally LAYERS of denim clothes, and took him a while to undress everything. Now this is what I call fetish.

He asked me to tie him up tight on his upper arm & legs, topped with a gag. I did, to live up to his expectations, tied him up ultra tight and gagged him in layers of denim. I then covered his face with a pantyhose, pulled his head backwards, left him alone for a bit to enjoy the sensation before I touched him lightly from his legs to the mouth, ending with HOM.

I very much enjoyed looking down on him pulsing in pleasure as I touched him. It was nice to know that I can find a genuine pervert in Sapporo, too!

See you next time for sure, thank you so much!


*Please note that I have obtained permission from my clients to upload their pictures and videos. I never take pictures without your consent. If you’d like to appear in my blog, let me know before the session begins. I’ll post about you without jeopardizing your privacy.


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