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お給仕のレッスン/Waitress lesson for submissive

※1月18日〜 22日 札幌

※1月23日〜25日 東京






* January18-22 Sapporo

* January23-25 Tokyo

I am looking for sponsors who can support my tour. If you can afford travel and session fee and want to meet me in your city, please contact me.

I am rarely a very terrible person.

On this day, she had to take off her underwear as soon as possible, put a lot of enema in her butt and wear diapers and she worked as my waitress.All this is what I have prepared for her and was forced by me.

After confirming excretion in front of me, I threw it into a leather sleep sack and did deskwork with my human foot rest. In this way, I always takes care of my Subs. I'm grateful.

Maybe someone is still at my feet.

*Please note that I have obtained permission from my clients to upload their pictures and videos. I never take pictures without your consent. If you’d like to appear in my blog, let me know before the session begins. I’ll post about you without jeopardizing your privacy.



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