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Bondage Session Booking Form

Outside the Kyoto area, a travel fee of $200.00 or more will be charged. 

ご希望時間 Sesson length
ハンドサービス Hand job
セッション撮影 Session photo shoot , Movie
ご希望支払い方法 Payment Method

※Please check here for available contents.

Sessions will be interrupted if alcohol or illegal drug use is confirmed. In that case, full cancellation fee will be charged.

Thank you for your book.

Please wait for my reply. If there is no reply from me for more than 2 days, there is a possibility of an error. Please contact me again.

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当サイトに掲載されている画像・データ・文章の無断での転載や複製を禁じます。  18歳未満の閲覧は固くお断りします。

This site includes porn and BDSM.Those under the age of 18 can not enter.Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

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